I'm never quite honest enough for this to be interesting, or quite dishonest enough for it to be interesting either.

The Boring Stuff
& My name is Sabrina
& I live and go to school in LA
& I don't really have anything else to say right now
...more info...

Current Infatuations
ginormous earrings
there would be more if I had more time

Super Cool Stuff
Google Features
Overheard in New York
Television Without Pity


Tuesday, February 22, 2005

So instead of writing my 6-8 page midterm paper due today, last night I was up working on my new layout. haha. The pathetic behavior of Sabrina. I eventually slept at 7 am. Luckily, my class was at 11. Other than that, I'm currently supposed to be writing another paper that's due tomorrow. Fun stuff, hm? I promise I'll have an interesting update, especially when i get my layout up. I've gone through about sixty versions of it and like twenty font choices, but I think I'm almost set. But for now... I get to continue reading about Gregory of Tours and Bede the Venerable. Aren't you jealous?
                posted here at @ 10:38 PM & 0 comments

all content property of Sabrina since June 6, 2002